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We specialize in children's safe earlobe piercings from ages 4 and up Sundays to Fridays. Cost is $200 which covers the piercing service, your choice of available implant grade jewelry and appropriate aftercare solution for clients who are 4 years old to 9 years old. Please read over the information below: -Children must be accompanied by a PARENT or LEGAL GUARDIAN to sign for them. Absolutely no exceptions. (Sorry aunties and uncles and Grandparents) -The child and one to two adults may accompany them to the appointment. Please leave siblings at home unless they also have an appointment at the same time, although it's best to bring them in individually, in our experience. We cannot accommodate unaccompanied minors in the waiting area of the studio or in the piercing room.

-Parents must have government issued photo ID. Guardians must have photo ID and guardianship documents. -Children must have some form of ID - Birth Certificate, Health Care Card, Status Card, Passport, Permanent Resident, etc -We only pierce with our own implant grade, pre-sterilized jewelry to ensure the highest possible quality. We will have a selection of flatback studs or rings to choose from. Either option is safe and comfortable! Talk to your piercer about which selection would be best for your lifestyle. *Higher end jewelry is available at additional cost. -We highly recommend using topical numbing cream EMLA, which you can pick up at your local pharmacy. Apply a generous amount on the front and back of the lobes at least 45 minutes to an hour before your appointment to take the pinch away from the piercing and give nervous kids peace of mind. Be sure to use the bandage to create an air-tight environment for the cream to work! It will not work if it's not covered up. While the EMLA does help, it's not required and many kids have no need to use it. (Please follow manufacturer instructions and warnings) -Please pin up hair into a ponytail and/or use barrettes and headbands to keep the area tidy -Please have a bite to eat before the appointment, both client and support people. Some people feel a bit woozy around needles. -Please encourage your child to know that the piercing is their choice alone. They can advocate for themselves to change their mind or ask for space at any time. The piercings do hurt, but just a little bit. We describe it as a similar feeling to plucking one single hair out. Just a pinch, but not so bad! We want to make sure everyone has a safe and exciting experience! Our experienced piercers will help guide them through their piercing experience and check in through the whole process. In no circumstances will we tolerate physical restraint, threats, anger or expressed disappointment projected to our piercing clients during their piercing procedure. It's okay to change your mind at any time. -Come ON TIME to your appointment. Not early. (or late) We allow time for jewelry selection and thorough conversation. Some notes about aftercare that may be an issue for some folks: -The piercings take a minimum of 12 weeks to heal and jewelry must stay in at all times. -New piercings cannot be submerged in standing bodies of water for at least 12 weeks. (No tubs, pools, lakes, etc) For this reason, many people wait until the fall/back to school time to get earlobe piercings done. -Many sports and dance organizations do not allow piercing in the ears. It is not safe to remove jewelry or tape it up in the first several months. The piercings will not be able to be safely removed and left out for a length of time, sometimes upwards of a year We have the right to refuse service at any time. Your child's safety and comfort is our #1 concern. We are SO excited to offer this special day for your kids and we can't wait to have you in after long wait! See you soon!

Sincerest of thanks to this wee girl and her mum for allowing us to use this video as an example of how we work with kids in the piercing room.



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